The story balances on the razor sharp line between fiction and reality. Young Edgar Allen, struggling to become a playwrite in Hollywood, finds that his latest script is taking on a life, and death, of it's own.
A detective investigating a series of murders discovers that they are similar to the murders that occur in the new script of a Hollywood screenwriter.
This is the story of aspiring sreenwriter Edgar Allen (Rufus Seder) as he arrives in Hollywood carrying his most valuable possessions: a suitcase and a typewriter. Edgar Allen's best attribute is his wild imagination. He imagines scenes so vividly for the murder mystery he is writing that they seem to come to life...and they do! As mysterious murders pile up, and Edgar Allen must confront old actresses, rock stars, and the police in the bleak setting of broken dreams in Hollywood.
George Kuchar as Martin, Katy Bolger as Holly, Rufus Butler Seder as Edgar Allan, Basil J. Bova as Tony Cassano, Ed Callahan as Kevin Kleindorf, George Cordeiro as Sergeant Joe Blatz, M. Lynda Robinson as Nina Ray, Eugene Seder as Al Weiner, Deborah Bernstein as Reporter, Ted Braun as Policeman, Theodore Braun as Policeman, Katy Bolger as Holly, Rufus Butler Seder as Edgar Allan, Basil J. Bova as Tony Cassano, Ed Callahan as Kevin Kleindorf, George Cordeiro as Sergeant Joe Blatz, M. Lynda Robinson as Nina Ray, Eugene Seder as Al Weiner, Bob White as Lot, Deborah Bernstein as Reporter