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New York Vampire

New York Vampire

New York Vampire
Scott Kelly tried to take his own life. Now he finds himself seduced by a beautiful woman named Camilla who has promised his life will NEVER end! She is a modern day creature of the night - part of a 500 year old vampire cult thriving in New York City on blood, drugs and carnal indulgence. Its leader is an ageless, sadistic monster who destroys even his own kind without the slightest remorse.

Scott soon discovers the metamorphosis into a vampire is an excruciating and horrifying process. As his thirst for human blood swells, he must begin to stalk and feed, or die! To make matters worse, Scott and Camilla are being hunted down by a detective who had battled the cult years ago...who this time will not stop until each vampire is destroyed forever.

Will Scott give in to the macabre bloodlust? Can he embrace a vampire existence and the grim reality of lifetimes devoted to throat-tearing slaughter? Will he live to see another night? Only one answer is for certain - the bloody and unholy terror has just begun!

Directed by Greg Lamberson. Starring Tommy Sweeny as Scott Kelly, Andrew Lee Barrett as Evan, Lee Kayman as Detective Wint, Mary Huner as Leslie, Robert C. Sabin as Renny, Terry Spivey as Curtis, Julie Lynch as Carmilla, Andrew Lee Barrett as Evan, Lee Kayman as Detective Wint, Mary Huner as Leslie, Robert C. Sabin as Renny, Terry Spivey as Curtis
CODE: A105
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